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Download PDF by Vidal Cohen: La recherche opérationnelle

By Vidal Cohen

ISBN-10: 2130465854

ISBN-13: 9782130465850

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My father was the word and I was the action. Talking about him or me wasn’t my thing. For many young who joined Parkour or journalists coming for interviews, I was just David, getting his kicks by jumping all over the place and his father was a fire fighter. But very few indeed knew or understood the origin of it all, the real reasons and true meaning and values I was putting in Parkour< So you felt cheated somehow… Absolutely. I felt like they were taking a hold of the origins of Parkour, as if the discipline had been developed by each of them.

Search and discover. If someone told me that it was impossible to go through such way, I would tell myself that there had to be a way. I liked the feeling of knowing that I was the first one to go through this path, or that no one else had done that jump before me. As soon as there was a new way to be opened, I would go. The aim was to go forward, always. So I would look for new ways. And anything a human body could do, I would do it. I would sometimes find myself in places forbidden to the public but without even realizing it, just because I had taken a different path than the one where the restriction signs were posted on.

I didn’t look for it but, on the other hand, it was a kind of a recognition for all those years of hard work and training. But as the media phenomenon grew bigger and bigger, I didn’t feel too good about it. I felt like something was being created that didn’t suit me and no one seemed to care about my father. Some friends chose group names, stage names. They thought it sounded good for the media, the audience. But I wasn’t at all into Samurais or Ninja Turtles stuff. I wasn’t going to prevent them – they were free to do what they wanted.

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La recherche opérationnelle by Vidal Cohen

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