By Fernand Braudel
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_ r _ 1 )° + QU,^. r=0 The II 3 are calculated recurrently from these relations. B) • m FoIWU^Fo1. terms of II as well: C= fp(*Co-0;n)-p/ii*, r1 = lp(A;U), -pc2k2^. 77 = lP(B;U) We have used the invariance of lp(X; Y) when Y is multiplied by matrices from 0[°, on the right. As an example, we will calculate the first two coefficients £i, £2 of the series C, in the case p — 1. We denote the first column of II by ir1 = S S o ( 7 r ? 16): s-l r=0 Here z ^ ) means the first component of the vector z.
Let us denote the first column of $ by i/)1 (
6'), we get ^,+i. Thus assertion a) is proved. In the above procedure, * , + 1 was determined uniquely, but ^ was not. *S-i)° = o. When s = 1, we see that ^°\ = ^ o is unique up to a matrix independent of x and commutative with Uo as the right factor. 5). 6°) (involving $ 0 , • • • > * s - i , $',) is represented as tf° = *° + *oC„ where Cs(t) € fl£. Therefore, s—1 a j=0 j=0 £ *7fc^ + (*; + *°)fc-s = ( £ *,-*->) (i + csk->) modulo 0(k~3-1) = (•)k~s~1. Hence the induction on s proves claim b) for $ and, consequently, for $ = F 0 $ .
La dinamica del capitalismo by Fernand Braudel
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