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New PDF release: J.R. McCulloch: A Study in Classical Economics

By D. P. O'Brien

ISBN-10: 0415313368

ISBN-13: 9780415313360

This can be one of many first entire surveys of McCulloch's paintings, and it exhibits his inspiration to were way more advanced and finished than has formerly been discovered.

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P. 189. g. Fetter, op. , p. 240. * ' M r Sadler's School, Italian Economists', Edinburgh Review, Vol. L, No. C (January 1830), art. ii, pp. 344-63. 9 Author of Storia delta Economic Pubblica in Italia, Lugano, 1829, on which in fact McCulloch commented quite favourably in his Literature of Political Economy (London, i8 45)> P- 3 1 * 10 See letter of January 1, 1830, in Selected Correspondence, pp. 74-5. 11 Although see Add. Mss 34614, f. 261, letter of December 28, 1829, reprinted in Napier's Selected Correspondence, pp.

Mss 34626, f. 605, March 6, 1847. « See the Edinburgh Review, Vol. C X C V I , No. C C C C I I (October 1902), pp. 275318, ' T h e Edinburgh Review (1802-1902)', pp. 298-9, on Brougham's connection with the Review. See also Add. Mss 34618, especially f. 297 (Brougham to Napier, October 19, 1837), for evidence of Brougham's attempts to interfere extensively with Napier's editorship of the Review. 41 J . R. McCulloch attacks on Brougham although at the time Napier had clearly been under some pressure to restrain McCulloch.

140, n. 1. This seems the only clear evidence of reconciliation with Wilson. ForLockhart see Add. Mss 34616, f. 60 - McCulloch to Napier, March 21, 1833. For Blackwood see letter of December 1, i860, manuscript in University of London Library. The Magazine seems to have started actually praising McCulloch from about 1850-see Vol. L X I X (January 1851), p. 9; Vol. L X X I I I (March 1853), p. 384; Vol. L X X X I X (January 1861), p. 10; Vol. X C I I I (May 1863), P* 645. But compliments were at first paid in a reluctant manner.

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J.R. McCulloch: A Study in Classical Economics by D. P. O'Brien

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