By O. Axelsson (auth.), Rainer Ansorge, Theodor Meis, Willi Törnig (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3540116028
ISBN-13: 9783540116028
ISBN-10: 354039379X
ISBN-13: 9783540393795
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3. 1 are met. 1). 6, the constand C 2 is well-known and the can- 37 contraction number p can be observed in course of the computation. 9), one needs C i A% < . To evaluate the Also the constant can roughly be approximated by the maximum of the values ~ 11 k(X) - ~Uk(X ') - ~P[Uk_l(X ) - ~Uk_l(X')][[ U / [h~&X] appearing during the computation. If the approximations ~k(X), Uk(X' ) etc. 9) and if p1(3+4C2 ) < I, then 1-p1(1+C2 ) CI - 1-01(3+4C2 ) max {[l]k(X) - ~ ( X ' ) - P[Uk_l(X) - ~uk_l(X')]ilU/[hKk AXI } is a rigorous upper bound for C I.
Comp. 31 (1977), 333-390 5. : Multigrid solvers on parallel computers. In: [17], 1981, pp. 39 - 63 6. , RAPPAZ, J. : Finite dimensional approximation of nonlinear problems. I: Numer. Math. Math. 37(1981), I - 28; III: Numer. Math. 38 (1981), 1 - 30 7. C. : Arc-length continuation and multi-grid techniques for nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems. Report, Yale University, 1981 8. : A stepsize control for continuation methods and its special application to multiple shooting techniques. Math. 33 (1979), 115-146 9.
Multi-grid method: Fundamental algorithm, model problem analysis, and applications. In: [14] A FAST S O L V E R FOR N O N L I N E A R EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS H. D. M i t t e l m a n n Abteilung Mathematik Universit~t Postfach Abstract A numerical to be a v e r y of d i s c r e t e efficient nonlinear show that also points D-46oo Dortmund 5o/FRG method recently proposed and robust m e t h o d eigenvalue to follow the r e l e v a n t sults and the spurious O. method Introduction is used We c o n s i d e r level to be c r i t i c a l surfaces esting applications inequalities A numerical method here cal features points lution.
Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations: Proceedings of a Meeting held at Oberwolfach, Germany, Jan. 31–Feb. 5, 1982 by O. Axelsson (auth.), Rainer Ansorge, Theodor Meis, Willi Törnig (eds.)
by Kenneth