By Moshé Machover
ISBN-10: 1608461483
ISBN-13: 9781608461486
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However, it has a unique feature: Zionist ideology denies the fact that a new Hebrew nation has come into existence because its self-legitimation depends on the fiction that all Jews around the world are one nation that has an eternal national right over its ancient god-promised and god-given homeland, Eretz Yisrael. Uri Avnery, a journalist who published and edited a popular journal, Ha’olam Hazeh (This World), was strongly influenced by a group of intellectuals who called themselves the Young Hebrews (also known as “Canaanites,” a term of mild abuse conferred on them by their Zionist critics).
In recent years it has been picked up by some academic critics of Zionism, but most of them have failed to recognize or admit that we had long anticipated them. 3. We insisted on the regional context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Due to the specific features of Zionist colonization, the balance of power is heavily tilted in favor of Israel (backed by its imperialist sponsor) and against the Palestinian people. The imbalance could only be redressed, and Palestinian liberation would become possible, as part of a revolutionary transformation of the region, by an Arab revolution led by the working class, which would overthrow the repressive regimes, unify the Arab East, and put an end to imperialist domination over it.
Following the Israeli-Egyptian Treaty: Against the Autonomy! (March 1979) 35 8. The Middle East—Still at the Crossroads: A Socialist Position on the Palestinian Problem (September 1988) 39 9. Sharon’s Agenda and Arafat’s Irrelevance (March 2002) 54 10. A FAQ: What Do You Think about Suicide Bombers? (March 2005) 57 Part II ISRAELI SOCIETY 11. Matzpen and Ha’olam Hazeh–New Force (December 1966) 61 12. The Social Identity of Ha’olam Hazeh (January 1967) 69 13. The Class Nature of Israeli Society (1970–71) 76 14.
Israelis and Palestinians: Conflict and Resolution by Moshé Machover
by Brian