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Download PDF by Ross McCluney: Introduction to radiometry and photometry

By Ross McCluney

ISBN-10: 0890066787

ISBN-13: 9780890066782

This e-book describes intimately the connection among radiometry and photometry. It covers details had to resolve difficulties in radiation move and detection, detectors, measuring tools, and ideas in colorimetry

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1996) etched a hinged paddle in the silicon wafer, which could be deflected to pull a thin single crystal specimen. Nieva et al. (1998) produced a framed specimen and heated the frame to pull the specimen, as did Kapels et al. (2000). 3 Separate Specimen The challenge of picking up a tensile specimen only a few microns thick and placing it into a test machine is formidable. However, if the specimens are on the order of tens or hundreds of microns thick, as they are for LIGA-deposited materials, it is perfectly possible.

The strength of the material must be known so that the allowable operating limits can be set. The manufacturer of a MEMS device needs to understand the relation between the processing and the properties of the material. © 2002 by CRC Press LLC The importance of mechanical properties was recognized early on by a leader in the MEMS field, Richard Muller, who wrote in 1990, “Research on the mechanical properties of the electrical materials forming microdynamic structures (which previously had exclusively electrical uses), on the scaling of mechanical design, and on the effective uses of computer aids is needed to provide the engineering base that will make it possible to exploit fully this technology” [Muller, 1990].

In this case, the coil has much higher resistive 2 losses, but the force scales much more advantageously as S . References Madou, M. (1997) Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 405–412. T. (1989) “Laterally Driven Polysilicon Resonant Microstructures,” Proceedings of the IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop, February 1989; reprinted in Micromechanics and MEMS: Classic and Seminal Papers to 1990, ed. W. Trimmer, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1997, pp.

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Introduction to radiometry and photometry by Ross McCluney

by John

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