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Download e-book for kindle: Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems: Physical by Paul Lecoq, Alexander Gektin, Mikhail Korzhik

By Paul Lecoq, Alexander Gektin, Mikhail Korzhik

ISBN-10: 3540277668

ISBN-13: 9783540277668

The improvement of latest scintillators as parts of contemporary detector structures is more and more outlined by way of the tip user's wishes. This publication presents an creation to this rising subject on the interface of physics and fabrics sciences, with emphasis on bulk inorganic scintillators. After surveying the tip user's wishes in an enormous diversity of functions, starting from astrophysics to business R and D, the authors circulate directly to evaluation scintillating mechanisms and the homes of an important fabrics used. A bankruptcy on crystal engineering and examples of contemporary advancements within the box of high-energy physics and scientific imaging introduce the reader to the sensible points. This e-book will profit researchers and scientists operating in educational and commercial R and D relating to the improvement of scintillators.

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Additional info for Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems: Physical Principles and Crystal Engineering (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

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The very severe requirements imposed by high-energy physics detectors have been since a long time a driving force in the development of new heavy and fast scintillators. 3. Light yield. Inorganic crystalline scintillators can have a very high light yield Y as compared to other scintillation materials. Moreover, the room temperature specific light yield Sτ τ = Y /τsc (number of photons emitted in unit time) of some of them is even greater than the one of liquid xenon. As precision √ of timing measurements with scintillation detector is proportional to 1/ Sτ and the √ energy resolution measured in the given time interval is proportional to Y , a high light yield scintillator allows to achieve the best combination of energy and time resolution in a wide γ-quanta energy range.

They are rather light, but are among the brightest known scintillators when doped with Thallium for iodides or in the case of isovalent References 27 substitution of Cs by Na. Their decay time is in the range of hundreds of nanoseconds. Undoped CsI has about the same radiation length as BaF2 and its scintillation is rather fast. It is therefore a good candidate for high-flux particle physics when a very high density is not mandatory. LiI compound is also a promising scintillation material to detect neutrons.

Similar to other crystalline materials having a high structural quality, scintillation crystals maintain their physical–chemical parameters for a long time. Although not addressed frequently, this point is of key importance for experiments having a long lifetime. This is caused by a high degree of internal symmetry in the material, which results in their high energetic stability. For this reason, several planned experiments in high-energy physics which have a duration from the design phase up to the data analysis of 10–15 years are using crystalline inorganic scintillators for their electromagnetic calorimeter.

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Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems: Physical Principles and Crystal Engineering (Particle Acceleration and Detection) by Paul Lecoq, Alexander Gektin, Mikhail Korzhik

by Jason

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