By Maia L.A., Montefusco E., Pellacci B.
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Decibel (dB) A unit of comparison between an arbitrary standard power level and any other level. It is not, as is often thought, a unit of sound intensity. The decibel is commonly used to compare sound intensities or electrical signals. In sound levels, one decibel is about the smallest difference perceptible. It has a logarithm scale, which is convenient because of the very wide range of comparisons commonly made. The scale of human perception of audibility, for instance, ranges from 1 to 1,012.
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One way in which this is done is to move a magnet toward and away from a coil of wire (induction coil). f. is induced when the coil and magnet are moving relative to each other. See Lenz’s law. Soft-iron core S Electromagnet N electromagnetic moment This gives the magnitude of the magnetic strength of a magnet or current-carrying coil. It is defined as the torque produced when a magnetic coil is perpendicular to unit magnetic flux density. electromagnetic radiation The energy that results from the acceleration of electric charges.
Infinitely many nodal solutions for a weakly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system by Maia L.A., Montefusco E., Pellacci B.
by Michael