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By Mrs Joan Dean

ISBN-10: 0203982630

ISBN-13: 9780203982631

ISBN-10: 0415168953

ISBN-13: 9780415168953

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He also describes the way that collaborative cultures can lead to real development in the classroom: Research evidence…suggests that the confidence that comes with collegial sharing and support leads to greater readiness to experiment and take risks, and with it a commitment to continuous improvement among teachers as a recognised part of their professional obligation. In this sense collaboration and collegiality are seen as forming a vital bridge between school improvement and teacher development.

Hargreaves and Hopkins (1991:4) suggest that the purpose of an audit is: • To clarify the state of the school and to identify strengths on which to build and weaknesses to be rectified; • To provide a basis for selecting priorities for developmeht. They suggest that selecting the areas for audit is done by the governors on the advice of the head and in consultation with the staff. Breaking down the audit into discrete areas would allow individual teachers or small teams to undertake particular parts of the audit and the headteacher or a senior member of the staff could then bring the whole together.

6 How do we handle our mistakes? 50 IMPROVING THE PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 What do I do when I have made a decision that was wrong and I need to change my mind? 8 In what ways do I seek clarification and search for understanding? 9 How do I ask for what I want?

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Improving the Primary School (Educational Management Series) by Mrs Joan Dean

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