By Ferdinand van der Heijden
ISBN-10: 0471950629
ISBN-13: 9780471950622
What makes this booklet specified is that in addition to info on snapshot processing of items to yield wisdom, the writer has dedicated loads of idea to the size issue of photo processing. this is often of direct sensible use in different sectors from commercial caliber and robotics to medication and biology.
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1b). Each element can transform the radiant energy incident on its surface into an electrical charge. Underneath the elements, an electronic transport mechanism can move the charge of each element to the output terminal of the device. The operational structure of the line-scan camera is as follows. Suppose that at a certain moment the electrical charges in all storage elements are zero. Then, from that moment the radiant flux incident on the surface of an element starts charging that element at a rate which is proportional to the incident flux.
This is a stationary stochastic process with Gaussian probability densities, and with constant power spectrum: Snn (u, v ) = V . Physically, white noise does not exist since it would require an infinitely broad bandwidth. Also, it would imply a variance that tends to infinite. However, in practise, a stochastic process is considered white if its power spectrum is constant within the spatial resolution of the imaging device. 1 Image model of a blood cell (continued) As indicated above, the autocorrelation function Rnn ( a, b) is a measure of the dependency between two points separated by a distance (a,b).
8) Thus, if n( x , y ) is stationary with respect to its expectation E{n( x , y )} = µ n , the expectation of m( x, y ) is constant and is given by. µ m = µ n ∫∫h( x, y )dxdy . To determine the autocorrelation function of m( x, y ) , we shall first determine the correlation between m( x, y ) and n( x + a, y + b) . 4a. We can give it the following interpretation. Applying Rnn (a, b) to a linear filter with PSF h(a, b ) , we obtain as output Rmn ( a, b) . With Rmn ( a, b) as input of a filter with PSF h(− a, − b) , the output is Rmm ( a, b) .
Image Based Measurement Systems: Object Recognition and Parameter Estimation (Design & Measurement in Electronic Engineering) by Ferdinand van der Heijden
by Paul