By Jose Wudka, John de Pillis
ISBN-10: 1614445176
ISBN-13: 9781614445173
This illustrated, full-color paintings indicates that linear algebra is a typical language for designated relativity. Requiring not less than services past simple matrix conception, the authors use full-color illustrations to introduce inertial frames and Minkowski diagrams that designate the character of simultaneity, why faster-than-light trip is very unlikely, and the right kind strategy to upload velocities.
We get to the bottom of the dual paradox, the train-in-tunnel paradox, the pea-shooter paradox and the lesser-known accommodating universe paradox and the bug-rivet paradox that indicates how tension is incompatible with exact relativity. considering that Einstein, in his seminal 1905 paper introducing the idea of specified relativity, said his debt to Clerk Maxwell, we absolutely increase Maxwell's 4 equations that unify the theories of electrical energy, optics, and magnetism.
These equations additionally bring about an easy calculation for the frame-independent pace of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. (Maxwell himself used to be unaware that mild was once a unique case of electromagnetic waves.) a number of chapters are dedicated to early experiments of Roemer, Fizeau, and de Sitter of their efforts to degree the rate of sunshine besides the Michelson-Morley scan abolishing the need of a common aether. The exposition is thorough, yet now not overly technical, and bountifully illustrated by way of cartoons.
Supplemental interactive animations are came across at Special-Relativity-Illustrated.com. This e-book is be appropriate for a one-semester general-education advent to big relativity. it's in particular well-suited to self-study by means of laypersons or use as a complement to a extra conventional textual content.
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Example text
Photon time (v/c) Something is Horribly Wrong. 5b) that if the skateboarder travel time is 99% less than the photon travel time (for the same Earth → Star XY Z journey), then the skateboarder speed v is also less than the photon speed c. How can both statements be true at the same time? 5) is Specious: An exercise in critical thinking. 7) CRITICAL THINKING: An example. 6) lies not in the calculations, but in the interpretation of their meaning. 2b)). 2c)). 7c) Clocks in Earth frame F E and the skateboarder’s frame F S run at the same rate.
A second passing photon defines the length of the time interval that will be repeated for all subsequent ticks or pings—the clock “remembers” the time interval between the first and second photons and it waits for this interval to pass before it issues each subsequent tick. 2) Defining the One-Second Ticking Rate. 1b) whose ticking rate is being set to one-second intervals. 3) FIGURE: Setting the One-Second Tick Rate of a Clock. 3): The photon passes over the clock at point 0 and simultaneously sets off the clock’s first tick.
D is the distance from the floor of F B to the horizontal bar of F A . 2): In Bernie’s frame F B , the light bulb is ver- tically beneath the moving mark 1 at time t = 0, the precise moment it releases a photon that travels vertically toward the leftward-moving ceiling. At time tB in F B , after traveling D units vertically, the photon hits the leftward-moving ceiling at the mark 2 . 2a) D = c tB = vertical distance from floor to ceiling where c is the speed of light and tB is the time (as measured in F B ) required for the photon to travel D units vertically from floor to ceiling.
Illustrated Special Relativity Through Its Paradoxes: A Fusion of Linear Algebra, Graphics, and Reality by Jose Wudka, John de Pillis
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