By David Randall, Bruna Tortorella, Bruno Giovagnoli
Un manuale di sopravvivenza in step with ogni giovane cronista.Come si diventa un buon giornalista. Che cosè una notizia. Come scovarla. Come gestire le fonti. Come aprire un articolo. Come si organizza un pezzo. Quali sono i modi di raccontare. Come riportare gli eventi più drammatici. Cosè un articolo di cronaca. Cosè un articolo di commento. Come usare l. a. rete. Questo e molto altro in un prontuario letto da giornalisti di tutto il mondo, semplice, diretto, ricco di aneddoti.
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8 A few even cried Vive l'empereur! 9 Windows were smashed. As the disturbance continued, sixty mounted gendarmes with sabres drawn, rode into the neighborhood. Instead of seeking the actual source of trouble, these state military police arrested several hundred innocent persons who happened to be abroad that evening. From the Vendöme to the rue Saint-Denis, citizens were seized for questioning by the over-zealous police. In the rue Saint-Denis, because some of the crowd bad resisted, the armed and mounted agents of Villele sahred and trampled dozens of people.
Lamartine. Restoration, pp. 349-50. 44 THE FALL OF THE VILLELE MINISTRY power enough to bribe a king. And in the end, the King's new ministers received little support from the Debats in exchange for the half-million. Eight months later, the Chateaubriand ego found an outlet in diplomacy and an escape from the humiliation of defeat. He accepted the title of Ambassador to Rome after further ministerial intrigues in his behalf had finally all failed. During this interval, the old battle between the Debats and the Gazette became even more vindictive.
Jhid .. 9 March. 1828. 40 THE FALL OF THE VILLELE MINISTRY The concluding paragraph left no doubt of Cauchois-Lemaire's purpose: As we grow older, the duc de Bordeaux, the duc de Chartres, and even the duc de Reichstadt are growing up. There could be the elements of a triple alliance of which one must hope its articles would not be drafted by the Jesuits. This would be admirable. I know that time brings events to pass; but it also brings forth individuals. I know that the tree finally bears its fruit; but this fruit could be more or less premature depending on the season, the soil, and the gardener.
Il giornalista quasi perfetto by David Randall, Bruna Tortorella, Bruno Giovagnoli
by David