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By IEEE Computer Society. Software Engineering Standards Committee

ISBN-10: 3540756523

ISBN-13: 9783540756521

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3 ConÞguration baselines The enterprise should prepare, and place under conÞguration control, the following baselines needed to guide the technical efforts of the subsystem deÞnition stage. 1 System and design-to baselines The enterprise should update and control all changes to the established system baseline and to established design-to baselines. 2 Build-to baselines The enterprise should establish the build-to baseline for each component from the build-to baseline generated during preliminary design.

2 Personnel The enterprise evaluates and determines the human experiences, aptitudes, knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job tasks that are associated with the humans who support the system life cycle processes. 3 Training The enterprise identiÞes and develops the instruction, education, and on-the-job or team training necessary to provide humans and teams with knowledge and job skills needed to support the system life cycle processes at the speciÞed levels of performance.

As subsystem requirements are deÞned, the identiÞcation of the needs, requirements, and constraints for life cycle processes is completed. The tasks that deÞne synthesis are identiÞed in Figure 14. 46 Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved. OF THE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROCESS IEEE Std 1220-1998 Figure 14ÑSynthesis process Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Trial Use Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process (IEEE Std 1220 by IEEE Computer Society. Software Engineering Standards Committee

by Edward

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