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Get Human Chromosomes: Structure, Behavior, and Effects PDF

By Eeva Therman;Millard Susman

ISBN-10: 0387978712

ISBN-13: 9780387978710

ISBN-10: 1468405292

ISBN-13: 9781468405293

This e-book, just like the past variations, was once written as an creation to human cytogenetics, however it may be used as a textual content for a normal cytogenetics direction, due to the fact chromosome constitution and behaviour are related in all eukaryotes. Many examples during this ebook are from organisms except people, reflecting our mixed backgrounds of molecular and bacterial genetics, and plant and animal cytogenetics. within the quickly increasing box of human cytogenetics, convinced matters, for example medical and melanoma cytogenetics, at the moment are coated in lately released, thousand-page volumes. during this e-book, such matters are awarded purely in define. the big development of knowledge has additionally made the alternative of issues and of examples to demonstrate them much more arbitrary and subjective than within the past variants. except a couple of pages the following and there, the textual content has been rewritten. significant elements, specifically these on molecular issues, were further. This publication wouldn't exist with out the committed participation of Mrs. Barbara Susman. She has been concerned about the venture from the making plans levels to the ultimate proofreading. She has performed the broad literature study, designed many of the tables and illustrations, and edited and typed the textual content. For discussions and proposals we're indebted to many colleagues. we would like in particular to say Drs. Lassi Alvesalo, Evelyn M. Kuhn, and Renata Laxova, who've severely learn chosen components of the booklet, and Dr. Carter Denniston, who has learn the complete text.

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Since the nucleoli tend to fuse, the largest number observed reflects the true number of active nucleolar organizers (see Chapter 6) in the organism. 1. Mitotic cycle in cultured human lymphocytes (Feulgen squash). 28 3. Mitotic Cycle and Chromosome Reproduction Prophase In prophase, the chromosomes first become visible as long thin threads that gradually shorten and thicken as the diameter of the chromosome coil increases (Figs. 1). At the same time that the threads are shortening, the nucleoli vanish.

In: Pearson PL, Lewis KR (eds) Chromosomes today, Vol 5. Wiley, New York, pp 65-73 Sumner AT (1990) Chromosome banding. Unwin Hyman, London Therman E, Sarto GE (1977) Pre meiotic and early meiotic stages in the pollen mother cells of Eremurus and in human embryonic oocytes. Hum Genet 35: 137-151 Tjio JH, Levan A (1956) The chromosome number in man. Hereditas 42:1-6 Verma RS, Babu A (eds) (1989) Human chromosomes: manual of basic techniques. Pergamon, New York Yunis 11 (ed) (1965, 1974) Human chromosome methodology, 1st and 2nd edns.

In metaphase, the chromosome shows labeling over separate short stretches. The various chromosome segments start their replication at different times during the S period, with the heterochromatic segments of chromosomes being the last to replicate. However, the replication of chromosome segments can be studied more accurately by the more recent 5-bromodeoxyuridine techniques (Latt, 1979; see also Chapter 12). References Latt SA (1979) Patterns of late replication in human X chromosomes. In: Vallet HL, Porter IH (eds) Genetic mechanisms of sexual development.

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Human Chromosomes: Structure, Behavior, and Effects by Eeva Therman;Millard Susman

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