By Walt Kester
ISBN-10: 0916550176
ISBN-13: 9780916550172
Ebook by way of Walt Kester
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5 A drawback to this trick is that the DC offset and input noise of the amplifier are raised by the value of the noise gain, when the optional CD is not present. But, when CD is used in series with RD, the offset voltage of the amplifier is not raised, and the gained-up AC noise components are confined to a frequency region above 1/(2π•RD•CD). A further caution is that the technique can be somewhat tricky when separating these operating DC and AC regions, and should be applied carefully with regard to settling time (Reference 2).
In the non-inverting mode, even a few picofarads of stray capacitance on the inverting input can cause significant gain-peaking and potential instability. Another advantage of the low inverting input impedance of the CFB op amp is when it is used as an I/V converter to buffer the output of a high speed current output DAC. When a step function current (or DAC switching glitch) is applied to the inverting input of a VFB op amp, it can produce a large voltage transient until the signal can propagate through the op amp to its output and negative feedback is regained.
Lewis Smith and Dan Sheingold, Noise and Operational Amplifier Circuits, Analog Dialogue 25th Anniversary Issue, pp. 19-31, 1991. 11. D. Stout, M. Kaufman, Handbook of Operational Amplifier Circuit Design, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1976. 12. Joe Buxton, Careful Design Tames High-Speed Op Amps, Electronic Design, April 11, 1991. 13. J. Dostal, Operational Amplifiers, Elsevier Scientific Publishing, New York, 1981. 14. Barrie Gilbert, Contemporary Feedback Amplifier Design, 15. Sergio Franco, Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog ICs, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988.
High-Speed Design Techniques (Seminar Series) by Walt Kester
by Jeff