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85 × 10 −6 in. We now investigate what happens if we use the new temperature controller. 86 × 10 −6 in , and indeed improving the quality of a system component (the temperature controller) has improved the quality of the final component.
0060 mg based on 21 observations. 004 mg. First, classify each uncertainty as Type A or Type B. Uncertainty Discussion Type A or B Analog-to-Digital converter GUM states quantization and resolution are to be treated as Type B B Resolution of the display GUM states quantization and resolution are to be treated as Type B B Nonlinearity Systematic B Repeatability Random in nature. Also, the information quoted is a standard deviation. Therefore it is based on a statistical analysis. A Signal noise Random in nature.
The elastic modulus is 209 ± 9 GPa with 5 % significance. The elastic modulus is 209 ± 9 GPa with a k-factor of 2. At 95 % confidence the elastic modulus is in the range 200–218 GPa. The propagated uncertainty should be round to one significant figure. Sometimes it can be rounded to two significant figures. ). The calculated quantity is rounded such that its least significant figure is to the same order of magnitude as the (one significant figure) uncertainty. The final statement of the calculated quantity must include a range of values and the confidence in that range.
Gravitational Experiments in the Solar System
by Anthony