By Michael Hunger
With Spring information, the ever well known Spring Framework has cultivated a brand new patch of flooring, bringing vast info and NOSQL expertise like Neo4j to firm builders. This consultant introduces you to Spring information Neo4j, utilizing the quick, robust and scalable graph database Neo4j to benefit from the merits of getting solid relationships on your facts. Written by means of the undertaking lead, solid Relationships presents the entire useful info you would like for constructing company purposes with Spring info Neo4j. The ebook starts off with a story instructional approximately imposing Cineasts.net, an entire social web-app for motion picture fans. Then, a radical reference half information center Neo4j thoughts, querying, and the straightforward annotated POJO programming version of Spring information Neo4j.
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3. Simple Object Graph Mapping In addition to the advanced object graph mapping using AspectJ, Spring Data Neo4j also supports a simpler mode that converts graph data into domain objects and vice versa. It does not require any additional set up and should work out of the box. ) as the advanced mapping to declare mapping meta-information. The simple object graph mapping comes into play whenever an entity is constructed from a node or relationship. This could be done explicitly like during the lookup- or create-operations of the repositories and the Neo4jTemplate but also implicitly while executing any graph operation that returns nodes or relationships and expecting mapped entities to be returned.
Like JPA, it uses annotations on simple POJO domain objects. The annotations activate one of the supported mapping approaches, either the simple mapping or the advanced AspectJ mapping. Both use the annotation and reflection metadata for mapping the POJO entities and their fields to nodes, relationships, and properties in the graph database. Spring Data Neo4j allows, at any time, to drop down to the Neo4j-API, see Chapter 19, Introduction to Neo4j level to execute functionality with the highest performance possible.
IDE's not providing the full AJ support might mark parts of your code as errors. You should rely on your build-system and tests to verify the correctness of the code. You might also have your Entities (or their interfaces) implement the NodeBacked and RelationshipBacked interfaces directly to benefit from completion support and error checking. org/tools/ajdt/36/dev/update). 0), previous versions are reported to mislead the user. Note There might be some issues with the eclipse maven plugin not adding AspectJ files correctly to the build path.
Good Relationships by Michael Hunger
by David