By Tim Hartnell
ISBN-10: 0345316096
ISBN-13: 9780345316097
Publication by means of Hartnell, Tim
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It plays swiftly, and reasonably well, although its lack of endgame strategy often leads to a dramatic collapse in the final moments of a game. CHECKERS is played between you and the computer. Each of you is attempting to take (that is jump over to capture, then remove from the board) the other player's pieces, or to confine the opponent's pieces so no more moves are possible. The game is generally played on a board with 64 squares, which are alternately light and dark. In this program, the board (as you can see from the sample game we have shortly) is a series of dots, with your pieces shown as H's (for human) and the machine's pieces as C's (for clever).
If both these conditions are found to be false, the computer goes back to line 1800 to get a new knight move at random. In essence, this is how every possible move is generated, and tested. The knight is a little simpler than the other pieces because it can leap over intervening pieces. The other pieces have to check that a clear path exists for them to carry out their intended move, but this is not very difficult to achieve. If you move now to the section of the program from line 2970, you'll see that the initialization takes place here.
Q determines where in the T array the computer will start looking for its move. The random element is introduced here so that the computer does not always do the same thing when confronted with similar board positions. One is added to Q if Q is less than U (that is, less than the total number of pieces the computer has on the board) and then Z is set equal to that element of the T array, which is the location of the computer piece on the board. The subroutine at line 280 is now called. If you look at that subroutine, you'll see that lines 280 to 320 determine which piece it is dealing with.
Giant Book of Computer Games by Tim Hartnell
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