By by Gerhard A. Ritter, translated by Alex Skinner
ISBN-10: 900418404X
ISBN-13: 9789004184046
The booklet bargains with the connection among Friedrich Meinecke, who's frequently thought of to be the major German historian of the 1st 1/2 the 20th century, and several other of his scholars who, after the Nazi seizure of energy, have been pressured to to migrate as a result of their Jewish descent or their political opinions. The letters released the following to Meinecke from Hans Rothfels, Dietrich Gerhard, Hajo Holborn, Felix Gilbert, Hans Rosenberg, and others convey those students' deep recognize for his or her previous instructor, but in addition their starting to be distance from his historic pursuits and techniques. In a interval of fight among democracy and Nazi dictatorship, the letters tackle the issues of emigration and remigration, German-Jewish and German-American id, and historiography in either Germany and the us.
Read Online or Download German Refugee Historians and Friedrich Meinecke: Letters and Documents, 1910–1977 (Studies in Central European Histories) PDF
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The booklet offers with the connection among Friedrich Meinecke, who's frequently thought of to be the prime German historian of the 1st 1/2 the 20 th century, and a number of other of his scholars who, after the Nazi seizure of strength, have been pressured to to migrate as a result of their Jewish descent or their political opinions.
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Additional info for German Refugee Historians and Friedrich Meinecke: Letters and Documents, 1910–1977 (Studies in Central European Histories)
Example text
Letter from W. Oldenbourg to Herr Bierotte, head of the publisher’s Berlin branch from 22 November 1934 (copy, Bayerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, F 5, Verlag R. Oldenbourg, Munich, box 244). , box 244. For an analysis of Meinecke’s ousting as editor of the HZ, see Gerhard A. Ritter, “Die Verdrängung von Friedrich Meinecke als Herausgeber der Historischen Zeitschrift”, in: Historie und Leben. Der Historiker als Wissenschaftler und Zeitgenosse. Festschrift für Lothar Gall zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. by Dieter Hein, Klaus Hildebrand and Andreas Schulz, Munich 2006, pp.
M. 1965, p. 5. 121 Masur to Fehling, see below pp. 212–214. 122 Personal files of Gerhard Masur in the archive of Humboldt University, Berlin, vol. 86. 123 Gerhard Masur, Simón Bolivar, Albuquerque 1948. In German translation: Simón Bolivar und die Befreiung Südamerikas, Constance 1949. 124 See the three long hectographed reports that he sent to Meinecke on 28 July 1936, 30 December 1936 and 2 December 1937. Meinecke papers, no. 161. 125 Masur to Meinecke, 3 January 1947, see below, p. 215f. 126 Two months later he thanked Meinecke for sending him his text on Ranke and Burckhardt, which he said displayed his “old mastery” in bringing out “contrasts and relationships”.
44 See Knudsen, Meinecke, p. 65f. : Gerhard Ritter, Geschichte als Bildungsmacht. Ein Beitrag zur historisch-politischen Neubesinnung, Stuttgart 1946; Gerd Tellenbach, Die deutsche Not als Schuld und Schicksal, Stuttgart 1947. 46 See the generally positive assessment of the book by Winfried Schulze, Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft nach 1945, Munich 1985, pp. 50–55. ), Meinecke, pp. 145–175. Meinecke was sometimes accused of wishing to shift attention away from German guilt and portray Nazism as a mishap without deep roots in German history by referring to authoritarian developments in neighbouring countries and specific errors by individuals that helped the Nazis take power, a claim I consider unjustified.
German Refugee Historians and Friedrich Meinecke: Letters and Documents, 1910–1977 (Studies in Central European Histories) by by Gerhard A. Ritter, translated by Alex Skinner
by James