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By Loeb L. B.

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P +/3 mc 2. (4) Here the differential operator p - - i h V is the usual momentum operator, and the operators a = (c~1,c~2,a3),/3 are Hermitian matrices (Dirac matrices)with constant coefficients. We use the short-cut 3 0 0 0 i-1 The Dirac matrices are defined abstractly by their algebraic properties. Using the notation a4 =/3, the defining properties are the anticommutation relations cejcek -+- Cek& j -- 2 5 j k with j, k = 1 , . . , 4. 3 below we are going to show to what extend the anticommutation relations determine the properties of the Dirac matrices.

Kelly [30] also found its relativistic counterpart [31 ], - the coupled-cluster pair correlation approach [32], like other methods, did not resist its extension to relativity [33]. To not leave the reader with the impression that these extensions are trivial, let us recall that a relativistic reformulation cannot ignore the virtual creation of electron-positron pairs nor the fact that the Breit interaction involves the exchange of transverse photons. For many electron systems, QED corrections must also include many-body contributions.

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Gas Ion Mobilities in Ether-Hydrogen Mixtures by Loeb L. B.

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