By Ellis / Sahni, Sartaj Horowitz
ISBN-10: 0914894226
ISBN-13: 9780914894223
Desktop sortware engineering publication
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4 Searching for x in A (1: n) Normally we might have written this procedure using iteration. By using recursion the need for a looping statement has been removed. To determine if x is contained within A(l:n) this function is initially invoked as ans SEARCH(l ). (See the exercises for an improvement to SEARCH). 20 Introducdon Removing Recursion We are in a mild dilemma. Some design techniques are inherently recursive and so recursion is a natural way to describe algorithms obtained from these techniques.
The next two assignments store appropriate values into the two fields of the node. Then the variable STACK is updated to point to the new top element of the list. Stacks and Queues 51 Deletion would work as follows: if STACK = 0 then callSTACKEMPTYendif item - DATA(STACK) T-STACK STACK - LINK(STACK) call RETNODE(T) If the stack is empty, then trying to delete an item will prodcue a call of the procedure STACKEMPTY. Otherwise the top element is stored as the value of the variable item, a pointer to the first node is saved, and ST ACK is moved to point to the next node.
3 illustrates two of the possible configurations for a circular queue containing the four elements J1-J4 with n > 4.
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Ellis / Sahni, Sartaj Horowitz
by Richard