By Ward Churchill, Howard Zinn
ISBN-10: 0896085538
ISBN-13: 9780896085534
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His success depends upon being embraced and exalted by those upon whom he preys. Ultimately, so long as Lecter is able to retain his mask of omnipotent gentility, he can never be stopped. T he sociocultural equivalent of Hannibal Lecter is the core of an expansionist European "civilization" which has reached out to engulf the planet. In coming to grips with Lecter, it is of no useful purpose to engage in sympathetic biography, to chronicle the nuances of his childhood and catalogue his many and varied achievements, whether real or imagined.
Citizens through the allotment process were unilaterally declared to be such---en mass, and whether they wanted to be or not-through provision of the Indian Citizenship Act (ch. 233, 43 Stat. 25). 3 1 . , The Dispossession of the American Indian, 1887-1934 (Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1 991 ) . 32. , White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History (London/New York: Oxford University Press, 198 1 ) . 34 FROM A NATIVE S O N 33. The "Act" is actually House Concurrent Resolution 1 08, pronounced on August 1 , 1 953, which articulated a federal policy of unilaterally dissolving specific native nations.
T he point, however, is to understand what he is and what he does well enough to stop him from doing it. -vis Eurosupremacy, if scholarship itself is to have any positive and con structive meaning. Scholarship is never"neutral" or"objective"; it always works either for the psychopath or against him, to mystify sociocultural reality or to decode it, to make corrective action possible or to prevent it. 16 F R OM A NATIVE S O N I t may well b e that there are better points o f departure for intellectual endeavors to capture the real form and meaning of Euro centrism than the life, times, and legacy of Christopher Columbus.
From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 1985-1995 by Ward Churchill, Howard Zinn
by Edward