By Alan Allport
ISBN-10: 0791075982
ISBN-13: 9780791075982
ISBN-10: 1438103018
ISBN-13: 9781438103013
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Supreme Court. Roosevelt had been angered by the court’s destruction of the NRA and the AAA, and he believed that it unfairly favored big business over the New Deal. But although he described his proposal as a simple “reform” measure, Congress was horrified at the idea of the president trying to overturn the constitutional power of the legal branch, and Roosevelt was forced to abandon the idea. q 6/26/03 10:55 PM Page 57 THE NEW DEAL administration. In the House and Senate elections of 1938, the Republicans won several seats, and Roosevelt was forced to scale back his plans for further recovery programs.
Hoover mostly accepted this traditional advice. The result was that the country sank deeper into depression. Back in the New York governor’s mansion, Roosevelt acted as far as he could to assist those people in his state affected by the ensuing economic collapse. In 1931, he created the first state agency in the United States to provide unemployment relief and fund new work for the jobless, the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA). This would be a model in miniature for many of the nationwide relief agencies set up in Roosevelt’s presidency.
She began weekly press conferences, presented her own radio show, wrote a widely syndicated newspaper column, and traveled across the United States lecturing and publicizing the ideas of the New Deal. q 6/26/03 10:55 PM Page 53 THE NEW DEAL groups. Eleanor was indispensable to Franklin in a way that no other presidential wife has ever been. Despite his popularity, Roosevelt was certainly not short of critics on both the left and the right of politics. Influential businessmen distrusted Roosevelt because they believed he was undermining American capitalism and trying to introduce a kind of Russian-style state socialism.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Great American Presidents) by Alan Allport
by Ronald