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Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry: With Applications to New by R.M. Santilli PDF

By R.M. Santilli

ISBN-10: 1402000871

ISBN-13: 9781402000874

Regardless of extraordinary achievements, Quantum Chemistry has did not in attaining particular representations of molecular information from precise quantum ideas. Hadronic Chemistry is a brand new, nonlinear, nonlocal and nonunitary protecting self-discipline which admits all quantum types as specific circumstances, whereas allowing invariant representations of molecular information designated to any wanted accuracy. those effects are as a result of a brand new arithmetic invaluable for the invariant remedy of nonlinear, nonlocal, and nonunitary theories, often called Santilli isomathematics, and a brand new constitution version of molecules with strongly beautiful correlations of valence electron pairs in unmarried couplings, which correlations are nonlinear, nonlocal, and nonunitary, therefore outdoor the entire services of Quantum Chemistry. Following a scientific presentation of the elemental tools, the hot version of molecules, and its experimental verifications, the writer applies Hadronic Chemistry to the prediction and experimental verification of a brand new chemical species, known as magnecules, which include sturdy clusters of molecules, dimers, and person atoms less than new non-valence inner bonds. eventually, the writer applies these kinds of effects to the commercial improvement of latest, fresh energies and fuels.

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The ellipticity maximum coincides with the point of inflection in the curve of optical rotatory dispersion, which ideally coincides with the maximum of an electronic absorption band at λ j . 2 Natural optical rotation 7 ellipticity 0 λj λ rotation Fig. 4 The ellipticity and anomalous optical rotatory dispersion in the region of the electronic absorption wavelength λ j . The signs shown here correspond to a positive Cotton effect. and optical rotatory dispersion curves always have the relative signs shown in Fig.

The first sentence is essentially the definition used today. Strictly speaking, the term ‘enantiomorph’ is usually reserved for a macroscopic object such as a crystal, and ‘enantiomer’ for a molecule, but because of the ambiguity of scale in the case 26 A historical review of optical activity (a) (b) Fig. 11 (a) A holohedral hexagonal crystal. (b) A hemihedral hexagonal crystal and its mirror image. of general physical systems these two terms are used as synonyms in this book. The group theoretical criterion for an object to be chiral is that it must not possess improper rotation symmetry elements such as a centre of inversion, reflection planes or rotation–reflection axes and so must belong to one of the point groups Cn , Dn , O, T or I.

5. The diamagnetic rotation curve shown is actually the resultant of two equal and opposite optical rotatory dispersion curves for two adjacent electronic absorption bands, and is usually symmetric. The paramagnetic rotation curve is like an optical rotatory dispersion curve for a single absorption band, and is usually unsymmetric. Faraday had looked for the effect of a magnetic field on a source of radiation, but without success because strong fields and spectroscopes of good resolution were not available to him.

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Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry: With Applications to New Clean Energies and Fuels by R.M. Santilli

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