By G. Landmann, L. Bouhot-Delduc (auth.), Guy Landmann, Maurice Bonneau, Michèle Kaennel (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3642795358
ISBN-13: 9783642795350
ISBN-10: 3642795374
ISBN-13: 9783642795374
Forest decline grew to become an issue of public and clinical main issue in France in 1983 whilst conifers within the Vosges mountains have been came across to convey strange crown deterioration. An impassioned controversy on a supposedly huge scale woodland illness used to be then in complete swing in critical Europe. A co-ordinated examine programme entitled DEFORPA ("Deperissement des For~ts et pollutants AtmospMrique") used to be introduced in 1984. This programme ran from 1984 to 1991 and a couple of tasks are nonetheless in development. The Programme used to be backed by means of 3 French ministries (Enviroument, Agriculture and Forestry, study and Technologyl), a number of country companies, quite a few nearby professionals and the fee of the ecu groups (DO xn and DG VI). firstly, emphasis was once exclusively laid at the figuring out of wooded area decline within the mountainous parts - simply because harm was once most blatant there - when it comes to common and man-made components. pollution used to be given excessive yet no longer overwhelming precedence. hence, the DEFORPA Programme used to be now not in its essence a nation-wide overview of pollution results, in contrast to a few nationwide acidification learn programmes in Europe and North the US. in the course of. the programme, despite the fact that, the parts of outrage multiplied. particularly, examine into water acidification within the Vosges mountains used to be built in parallel with the DEFORPA Programme, and attainable eutrophication of the floor vegetation in northeastern France turned the topic of recent research.
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But such explanations do not seem to explain all the unsatisfactory results. Although several calibration exercises may be needed to ascertain definitively the existence of regional biases, the underestimation of damage by local teams coincides with the two regions (Massif Central, Pyrenees) which overall (apparently) show the lowest levels of defoliation. Thus, the differences in damage intensity between Eastern and CentrallWestern regions may be smaller than hitherto believed. The existence of regional biases poses unanswered questions, in particular concerning the "reference tree".
One or several groups of teams of two surveyors assessed defoliation by 5% classes for about 25 trees for two well-represented species. %Cl3) 1100 (5, 20, 45 and 80 represent the middle values of defoliation classes 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively). In each region, the team of trainers was used as the reference team. 2 Main Results and Interpretation The results in the mountainous regions for fIr, spruce, Scots pine and beech are summarised in Table 3. Detailed data are only given for two regional exercises with contrasting results (fIr in Lorraine, Fig.
2: 30--60%, Cl. 3: >60%, Cl. 4: dead discolouration Silviculture dead trees thinning 1983-86 in classes: Cl. 1 (normal) Cl. 2 (abnormal without rating) Cl. 3, 4, 5 (1-25%, 2tH>0%, > 60%) From 1987, classes: Cl. 0: 0--10%, Cl. 1: 15-25%, Cl. 2: 30--60%, Cl. ) Remain as dead trees in the sample None, except in young stands Replaced by randomly selected trees Normal Surveyors Trained foresters from various forestry management institutions in both networks Training By a small group (6 people) visiting all regions each year.
Forest Decline and Atmospheric Deposition Effects in the French Mountains by G. Landmann, L. Bouhot-Delduc (auth.), Guy Landmann, Maurice Bonneau, Michèle Kaennel (eds.)
by William