By U. S. Army
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R-311 Radio Transceiver, Portable, Very-Low-Power, R-147 NOTE. The same BMP battalion organization is also found in the TR. 1 .... 2 ........... 2 0 .......... 4 Battalion Headquarters, Motorized Rifle Battalion, Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP), M R D and T D HEADQUARTERS P R I N C I P A L I T E M S OF E Q U I P M E N T Total Equipment Equipment 9 - m m Pistol. P M 5 . 4 5 -m m Assault Rifle, A K -7 4 ACV. 4 ................. 1 .......................... 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Medium-Power ........... 5 1 Air Defense Missile and Artillery Battery, Motorized Rifle and Tank Regiment, M R D and TD AIR DEFENSE MISSILE AND ARTILLERY BATTERY 60 I BATTERY HEADQUARTERS I I AIR DEFENSE MISSILE PLATOON AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY PLATOON I MAINTENANCE SECTION TRANSPORT SECTION PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF EQUIPMENT Equipment SAM. SA-9/GASKIN TEL or SA-13/GOPHER TELAR SPAA Gun, ZSU-23-4 or 2 S 6 ACV, BTR-60 Truck. GAZ-66 Truck, ZIL-131/157 or Ural-375 Total ...................................
Very-Low-Power. 4 R-147 NOTE. Each MRC normally has one section attached. SAM SECTION 0 4 .................................... Automatic Grenade Launcher Platoon, Motorized Rifle Battalion, Motorized Rifle Regiment, M R D and TD AUTOMATIC GRENADE LAUNCHER PLATOON Equipment Total P R I N C I P A L I T E M S OF E Q U I P M E N T 6 3 0 - m m Automatic Grenade Launcher. AGS-17 AICV. BMP-1/-2/BTR-60/-70/-80 . . . . . . . 3 Radios: VHF. Vehicle Mount. Medium-Power. R-123 3 VHF. Portable Low-Power.
FM 100-2-3. The Soviet Army. Troops, organization, and equipment. by U. S. Army
by George