By Professor Rudolf Rigler, Professor Elliot S. Elson (auth.)
ISBN-10: 3642595421
ISBN-13: 9783642595424
ISBN-10: 3642640184
ISBN-13: 9783642640186
This e-book offers the theoretical heritage to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and various functions in a number of fields of technological know-how. FCS relies at the detection of unmarried molecules excited to fluorescence in diffraction constrained confocal quantity components and the time correlation of stochastic occasions. It presents final sensitivity within the research of molecular methods and has stumbled on quite a few purposes in physics, chemistry and especially in biomolecular sciences. Its excessive spatial and temporal solution has made FCS a robust instrument for the research of molecular interactions and kinetics, delivery homes because of thermal movement and circulation, in addition to the physics of the excited kingdom in answer in addition to on the mobile point. Its software in excessive throughput drug screening is utilizing the entire capability of this major analytical tool.
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Mets, and R. Rigler: J. Phys. Chern. W. van den Berg, J. A Rink, R. G. D. Spencer and G. Weber: In: A. Akeson and A. ) Structure and Function of Oxidation Reduction Enzymes. G. Visser: Photochem. Photobiol. 27 G. Bonnet, O. Krichevsky, and A. Libchaber: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. P. Lu, L. S. 1 Introduction Laser induced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a new, developing branch in nucleic acid analysis. 6]. Fluorescent molecules are observed in a very small volume element of ~ 1 fl (10- 15 1) excited by a well-focused laser beam.
Hybridization reactions are commonly analyzed by electrophoresis or liquid chromatography techniques. Electrophoretic separations in agarose and polyacrylamide gels have several drawbacks such as poor resolution and lower sensitivity for long, natural DNAs. Capillary electrophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis have been applied to separate and quantify hybridization mixes, but it remains a time-cbnsuming task of optimizing the separation conditions. Presently, expression monitoring provides the best quantitative results for practical applications.
Conc. 2 10 100 800 Rfl-BFP 86 ±4 52 14 ± 4 180 44 ± 1 56 100 160 Rfl-BFP 57 ± 2 52 43 ± 2 180 81 ± 1 103 100 50 52 All parameters, except the number of molecules (N) and the relative fractions Fl and F 2 , are linked in a global analysis of six experiments (each three consecutive rows). 1) are used. The values in parentheses are obtained after a detailed error analysis at the 67% confidence level. N and the standard error of N, as well as the fractions Fl and F 2 , are determined from two experiments (each single row).
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications by Professor Rudolf Rigler, Professor Elliot S. Elson (auth.)
by Christopher