By Donald R. McAdams
ISBN-10: 0807738840
ISBN-13: 9780807738849
An account of the reform of a big American city tuition district, this article makes a speciality of the battles over energy, jobs, contracts, taxes and race.
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She went regularly to Belize with a humanitarian medical and social service team and she spoke passable Spanish. Paula had always acted in support of Hispanic issues. From this time forward she did her best to act, in effect, as a Hispanic representative. Board Unity at Last Paula's second achievement as board president was to bring unity to the board. No dramatic event marked the achievement of board unity. It just emerged gradually. Board members, without Joan Raymond pitting one against another, became ever more friendly.
Melody was slim and attractive, with waved black hair, huge eyes, beautiful teeth, and a very sharp tongue. When she became upset, her tongue got even sharper. Melody was upset now. "You're neophytes," she said, glaring at Paige, Franklin, and me. "You should keep your mouths shut for at least a year. HISD is a complex organization. " The Appointment of Felix Fraga Soon after the retreat, before any planning for reform could begin, the board was dragged into a controversy. Tina Reyes, sister of the most powerful Hispanic politician in the city, City Councilman Ben Reyes, resigned her seat on the board.
He required intensive drills in arithmetic. He demanded absolute conformity to strict rules of conduct. And he got results. Year after year students at Wesley performed as well as or better than students in many of the schools in affluent, white neighborhoods. George Scott, an associate with the Tax Research Association of Houston and Harris County, was furious. HISD administrators were trying to intimidate Thaddeus because they were jealous of his success. "We've got to free Wesley," he said. "Probably the single best thing that HISD could do right now is put a restraining order on HISD administrators and keep them out of Wesley.
Fighting to save our urban schools-- and winning!: lessons from Houston by Donald R. McAdams
by John