By Elizabeth A. Stewart
ISBN-10: 0312235380
ISBN-13: 9780312235383
ISBN-10: 1403911665
ISBN-13: 9781403911667
ISBN-10: 1403914222
ISBN-13: 9781403914224
ISBN-10: 7420003068
ISBN-13: 9787420003064
Exploring Twins provides an research of twinship regarded as a in particular social phenomenon. Drawing upon quite a lot of interdisciplinary, historic and cross-cultural facts, Dr Stewart argues that during either conventional and glossy societies, twinship represents a recurrent anomaly which calls into query the assumptions round which kinds of society are equipped. half One identifies and analyses the interesting diversity of cultural and disciplinary ways to the translation of twinship, whereas half considers the chances for a distinctively social research of twinship.
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Usually the problems are gender specific. The family, however, is portrayed as a more or less cosy unit and the bond between the twins made more or less explicit. Other films made for television, but not especially for children, often focus on a perceived good/evil split between twin siblings. The plots often follow the script whereby the evil brother/sister tries to stamp out his good brother/sister. The former often fails as good triumphs over evil. Many of these television plots or themes are rather simplistic but help to reinforce stereotypes about twins.
As we have seen, the classic twin method depends on correct and reliable zygosity diagnosis of monozygotic and dizygotic twins. It is also based on the assumption that both monozygotic and dizygotic twins, while they do not share an equal genetic makeup, do share equal environments or equal environmental influences. It is presumed to follow, therefore, that differences within a set of monozygotic twins can be explained by environmental effects since genetic inheritance is more or less equal; differences within a set of dizygotic twins, however, are related to both genetic and environmental influences.
Initially, the overwhelming focus of attention was the comic potential of mistaken identity occasioned by monozygotic or identical twins. Subsequently, however, writers began to explore proposed dichotomies of twinship, such as moral dichotomies of good versus evil or dichotomies of identity, like versus unlike. Fiction involving the double or the doppelgänger and the double’s search for identity appeared alongside writing utilizing twins to illustrate a wide range of human dualities. While more often than not twins were used as a convenient metaphor, some few pieces actually examined some aspects of the twin situation per se.
Exploring Twins: Towards a Social Analysis of Twinship by Elizabeth A. Stewart
by Edward