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Download e-book for iPad: Explaining Buyer Behavior: Central Concepts and Philosophy by John O'Shaughnessy

By John O'Shaughnessy

ISBN-10: 0195071085

ISBN-13: 9780195071085

ISBN-10: 1423764587

ISBN-13: 9781423764588

This quantity offers the basics had to comprehend many of the explanatory platforms and methodologies utilized in the habit sciences and to guage their findings, particularly the literature and findings on patron habit. In transparent prose, the writer discusses the major concerns in smooth philosophy, psychology, and sociology and their relevance for the scholar of selling and patron habit. O'Shaughnessy exploits insights from many disciplines as to the numerous how you can derive realizing of behavioral phenomena, making it obtainable not just to lecturers and scholars of selling, yet to execs in addition.

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In what would appear to be an endorsement of Hume's position, as applied to the physical sciences, Von Wright (1983) views nomic (lawlike) causal relationships as adhering to two conditions: 1. The cause and the effect must be logically independent. 2. The cause and effect are connected such that, whenever the cause in conditions a, b, c occurs, the effect follows. Causal Explanation 35 Even in the physical sciences the necessary and sufficient conditions for the effect to occur are never specified in full.

2. Hempel's inductive-statistical (I-S) model. Here statistical laws are used to "explain" particular states or events, for example, If X is Y, then C is almost certainly D. X is Y. Therefore, C is almost certainly D. Example: If the firm is the lowest cost producer, then its market share will aimost certainly be highest. The firm is the lowest cost producer. Therefore, the firm will almost certainly have the highest market share. Unless the probabilities can be given some empirical foundation or justified on theoretical grounds, there is always the possibility of the "explanation" (if any) being spurious.

This, of course, does occur when we explain attitude states in terms of the cognitive (belief) component, the affective (evaluative) component, and the conative (action) component. But is such analysis meaningful? We can talk of "attitudes" having these three components as a matter of definition, but what does it mean empirically? As Ryle (1949) pointed out, it has traditionally been supposed that the mind consisted of three ultimate classes of mental processes: thought (beliefs, cognition), feeling (emotions, evaluations), and the "will" (the conative or action component).

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Explaining Buyer Behavior: Central Concepts and Philosophy of Science Issues by John O'Shaughnessy

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