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Download e-book for iPad: IEC 61116 Ed. 1.0 b:1992, Electromechanical equipment guide by IEC TC/SC 4
Presents the longer term buyer with info permitting him to organize the mandatory records, from the decision for tenders as much as recognition checks and operation of electromechanical apparatus. Applies to installations having outputs of below five MW and generators with diameters lower than three m.
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This is followed by equipment upgrades which, when completed, result in a step change in nuclear plant safety. The benefits of reduced public risk would appear later in plant 40 life and the time to recover the costs of the upgrades would be shortened because of shorter operating life of the NPP remaining after the EQ upgrade. The overall costs of this option may be lower owing to efficiencies in the process. In a phased upgrade programme the required EQ upgrades are prioritized to maximize the safety benefits over time.
There have been successful efforts in the USA to acquire generic operating experience data for a variety of equipment types during earthquakes. These efforts indicate that, with few exceptions, properly anchored mechanical and electrical equipment used in commercial facilities can withstand the seismic levels typically hypothesized at NPP sites [40]. This seismic experience information is being applied to review the capability of safety equipment in the older NPPs. 4. Qualifying for the limiting ‘worst case’ application Where possible, it is recommended that an equipment design be qualified for the most limiting combination of service conditions and functions for all plant applications.
Although the quality controls applied to such non-NPP tests may vary, the data can generally be used for qualification, particularly when similar results were achieved in several different efforts. Analysis is generally plant or equipment specific and performed by using applicable NPP quality controls. Since analyses are tailored to specific needs, it is difficult to identify specific sources of analysis data. 33 NPP equipment operating experience data, including pre-operational and periodic surveillance test results, can be developed by using plant operation and maintenance records.
Equipment Qualification in Operational Nuclear Powerplants
by Michael