By By Eric R. Bauer, Ph.D., Daniel R. Babich, and Jeffrey R. Vipperman, Ph.D.
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IEC 61116 Ed. 1.0 b:1992, Electromechanical equipment guide - download pdf or read online
Presents the longer term patron with details permitting him to arrange the mandatory records, from the decision for tenders as much as recognition exams and operation of electromechanical apparatus. Applies to installations having outputs of lower than five MW and generators with diameters lower than three m.
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Leq(A) sound levels in house of Page 757 dragline. —Leq(A) sound levels in house of Bucyrus-Erie 1260W dragline [Bauer and Babich 2003, 2004b]. —Leq(A) sound levels in house of Bucyrus-Erie 1310W dragline. —Leq(A) sound levels in house of Bucyrus-Erie 2570W dragline. —Leq(A) sound levels in house of Marion 195M dragline. —Leq(A) sound levels in house of Marion 7800 dragline.
Investigations at the preparation plants included worker dosimetry and task observations of plant employees, and sound level measurements on all plant floors, control rooms, and lunch rooms. Worker Dose Table 11 lists the results of the worker noise exposure measurements recorded at the coal preparation plants. The occupations surveyed included the control room operator, plant controls man, mechanic/electrician, utilityman, and beltman. The last three occupations (mechanic/electrician, utilityman, and beltman) worked both inside and outside of the plant.
Virginia.................. Pocahontas .......................... 5 ....... Pennsylvania ........ Pittsburgh ............................. 6 ....... Kentucky............... Kentucky No. 9 ..................... 7 ....... Kentucky............... Kentucky Nos. 9 and 11 ....... 8 ....... Illinois.................... Nos. 5, 5A, and 6.................. Raw feed, Reject, tph percent 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 300 2,000 1,500 31 52 33 27 21 38 51 38 Total No. —Worker noise exposures in coal preparation plants Occupation Sample size Mechanic/electrician....
Equipment Noise and Worker Exposure in the Coal Mining Industry by By Eric R. Bauer, Ph.D., Daniel R. Babich, and Jeffrey R. Vipperman, Ph.D.
by Edward