By Wolfgang Alt, Micah Dembo (auth.), H. W. Knobloch, Klaus Schmitt (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3540126864
ISBN-13: 9783540126867
ISBN-10: 3540386785
ISBN-13: 9783540386780
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L U S T E R N I K and L . G . S C H N I R E L M A N , T o p o l o g i c a l m e t h o d s in v a r i a t i o nal problems. T r u d y Inst. , (1930), 1-68. BROWDER, I n f i n i t e d i m e n s i o n a l m a n i f o l d s and n o n l i n e a r ellptic e i g e n v a l u e problems. Ann. , 82 (1965), 459-477. PALAIS, L u s t e r n i k - S c h n i r e l m a n theory on Banach manifolds, Topology, 5 (1966), 115-132. SCHWARTZ, G e n e r a l i z i n g the L u s t e r n i k - S c h n i r e l m a n theory of critical points.
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MCKENNA, On the number of solutions of a nonlinear D i r i c h l e t problem. J . M a t h . A n a l . A p p l . 8 4 (1981), 282-294. SOLIMINI, E x i s t e n c e of a third solution for a class of bvp with jumping nonlinearities, to appear. HOFER, V a r i a t i o n a l and topological methods in p a r t i a l l y ordered H i l b e r t spaces. Math. Annalen, to appear. DANCER, On the D i r i c h l e t p r o b l e m for weakly nonlinear elliptic partial d i f f e r e n t i a l equations. Prec. Ed.
Equadiff 82: Proceedings of the international conference held in Würzburg, FRG, August 23–28, 1982 by Wolfgang Alt, Micah Dembo (auth.), H. W. Knobloch, Klaus Schmitt (eds.)
by Jason