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Download e-book for kindle: Enzymes in detergency by Jan H. van Ee, Onno Misset

By Jan H. van Ee, Onno Misset

ISBN-10: 082479995X

ISBN-13: 9780824799953

Deals an built-in evaluate of enzyme use in family detergents, from product improvement and production to safeguard and health-related matters. The textual content info the key kinds of enzymes, structure-function relationships, existence cycle analyses, protein-engineering suggestions, cleansing mechanisms, and previous, current and destiny functions.

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Henkel produces and uses its enzymes primarily in the European region, but does some research in the United States. Kao has developed materials captively and is now looking for merchant sales opportunities. Kao was the first to succeed with an alkaline cellulase and now offers these products to other detergent producers. Enzyme research is difficult and expensive. Close cooperation between customer and supplier is often required. At times Novo has worked with Unilever to develop protease, lipase, and cellulase products for detergents.

Hom, D. Hansen, R. B. Reynolds, N. Kennedy, J. Schindler, M. Bahn, R. Schmid, M. Markgraf, and C. Paech, PCT patent appl. World Patent 9102792 (1991). 6. P. N. Christensen and V. Donalyan, Chim. Oggi 8:41 (1990). 7. P. N. Christensen, K. Thomas, and S. Branner, Development of detergent enzymes, Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Detergents, American Oil Chemist Society, 1986, pp. 181186. 8. M. Showell, Protein engineered detergent proteases, presented at the 82 Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemist Society, Chicago IL, May 1991.

Esp. Deterg. 19:257 (1988). 12. J. H. van Ee, J. Com. Esp. Deterg. 22:83 (1991). 13. J. H. van Ee, Chim. Oggi 9:31 (1991). 14. A. Aaslyng, E. Gormsen, and H. Malmos, SCI, Book of Abstracts on Recent Advances in the Detergent Industry, Cambridge, 1990, p. 59. 15. M. Crossin and H. B. M. Lenting, Inform 6:473 (1995). 16. J. H. van Ee, J. M. van der Laan, K. P. Broekhuizen, E. J. Baas, M. Bollier, and L. J. S. M. Mulleners, J. Com. Esp. Deter. 25:123 (1994). 17. J. H. van Ee, J. M. van der Laan, E.

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Enzymes in detergency by Jan H. van Ee, Onno Misset

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