By Birgit Welch, Charles Lafond, Sheila Vine
ISBN-10: 0194579506
ISBN-13: 9780194579506
English for Negotiating is a brief path geared toward pros who on a regular basis have to negotiate in English at paintings. It presents rookies with the right language, particular intercultural abilities, and potent ideas essential to be a profitable negotiator. English for Negotiating could be accomplished in 25-30 hours, so scholars make development quick. Hands-on projects enable scholars to exploit new language instantly.
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Extra info for English for Negotiating Students Book
Sample text
Yes,youhavea pointthereabout... tatch the sentencebcglnnlngs(r-6) wlth the sentenceendlngs(a-f). t 2 3 4 5 6 8 Dealing withdeadlock| 53 I T u rf l Ourgoal is... a usethe old machinestoo. Doesthis mean... b a loss-making subsidiarymustclose. It is our opinionthat ... c we had madegoodprogress. I am not in a positionto do this... d to completeit by the endof August. Youwouldhaveto ... e the company will notshut downfor the Games? Theinspector thought... f becauseheadofficehasalreadysignedthe contract.
Thisis wherewe stand. I wouldliketo summarize as follows... l/Wethink/believe we all agreeherethat ... Wehavecertainly covered a lot of groundtoday! Whichcategorydo they belongin: A, B, or C? A Discussing I follow-up documentation r B Guaranteeing I witldomy bestto ensurethecontract is signedtoday. z Thisis wherewe standat the moment. 3 Shatlwe putthisintoa writtenproposal? if I may. 4 Letmejust repeatthe lasttwo statements, 5 Weassureyouthatthequalitywi[[notchange. 6 Wehavecertainlycovereda lot of groundtoday!
3 Peopte changetheirbodylanguage to conveythe impression theywantto give. 76 A cardealeris discussingthe sale of a fleet of carsfor a new companycustomer. Add the points and checkyour score. Results or relationships? Get the deal or build trust? What kind of negotiatorare you? For most people,buildinga relationshipand gettingthe deal are importantaspectsof an effectivenegotiation. I How important are your feelings in a negotiation? party will take advantageof them. l__l a lf I revealmy true feelings,the other f-] O t don't considerthe consequencesmy feelingsmay haveon my opponem.
English for Negotiating Students Book by Birgit Welch, Charles Lafond, Sheila Vine
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