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Encompassing: Formulation, Properties and Testing - download pdf or read online

By Geert Dhaene

ISBN-10: 3540618902

ISBN-13: 9783540618904

ISBN-10: 3642468322

ISBN-13: 9783642468322

The background of many sciences is characterised by way of a virtually non-stop emer­ gence of latest theories. From a normative viewpoint, the survival of a brand new thought may still frequently be decided by means of its skill to provide an explanation for a brand new physique of proof which the prevailing theories are not able to provide an explanation for. If moreover the hot concept is ready to clarify the entire effects got through the prevailing theories and if it will probably indicate why those theories fail to provide an explanation for yes proof, it may develop into the dominant conception. in a different way, it might probably coexist with different theories for your time. for that reason, a brand new conception must be judged not just by way of confronting it with latest proof, but additionally through confronting it with latest theories. the concept a conception will be capable of account for the implications ob­ tained via different theories, even though implicitly adhered to through many scientists, has hardly been formalized. The information literature on parametric hypoth­ esis checking out, although, could be obvious for instance of the sort of formalization.

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The tests are of an asymptotic nature since in general they have correct size only asymptotically. The main forms of the Wald and score tests have already been proposed by Gourieroux-Monfort [1995]. They obtained the limit distributions of the test statistics under the encompassing hypothesis in the more general context of dynamic models. Testing for encompassing is related to two other approaches in parametric inference: the robust approach to nested hypothesis testing and the non-robust approach to non-nested hypothesis testing, which may both be viewed as extensions of the classical non-robust approach to nested hypothesis testing.

It is convenient to introduce some notation. Denote the conditional distribution of Y, given X, by D, and the marginal distribution of X by P. Hence, the distribution functions associated with D and Pare DF(YIX) and DF(X), respectively. The conditional distribution of Z, given X and Y, will play little further role. , Y and X take values in the Euclidean space Rk and Rl, respectively. Furthermore, let M be the class of all parametric families of k-dimensional conditional distributions, given X.

Cox [1961, 1962]' Atkinson [1970], Pesaran [1974]' Pesaran and Deaton [1978], Fisher-McAleer [1981], McAleer [1981], Davidson-MacKinnon [1982]' Gouril~roux-Monfort-Trognon [1983]). It is our view that the theory of encompassing provides a unified framework for interpreting each of these approaches and for discussing the relations and differences among them. It also allows an unambiguous statement of the hypothesis under test and of the implicit null hypothesis associated with such a test. Finally, it offers a clear view of the distribution theory underlying the usual test procedures and, related to this, it prompts the integration of the robust approach to nested hypothesis testing and the non-robust approach to non-nested hypothesis testing.

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Encompassing: Formulation, Properties and Testing by Geert Dhaene

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