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Download PDF by K. A. Müller (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans Kuzmany, Professor: Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors: The Normal

By K. A. Müller (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans Kuzmany, Professor Dr. Michael Mehring, Dr. Jörg Fink (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3642848656

ISBN-13: 9783642848650

ISBN-10: 3642848672

ISBN-13: 9783642848674

The overseas wintry weather tuition on digital homes of High-Temperature Superconductors, held among March 7-14, 1992, in Kirchberg, (Tyrol) Austria, was once the 6th in a sequence of conferences to be held at this venue. 4 of the sooner conferences have been devoted to matters within the box of undertaking polymers, whereas the iciness university held in 1990 was once dedicated to the recent self-discipline of high-T c superconductivity. This year's assembly constituted a discussion board not just for the massive variety of scientists engaged in high-Tc study, but in addition for these interested in the recent and fascinating box of fullerenes. a number of the concerns raised throughout the past wintry weather colleges on accomplishing polymers, and the final one on high-T c superconductivity, have taken on a brand new importance within the mild of the invention of superconducting C fabrics. 60 The Kirchberg conferences are equipped within the kind of a faculty the place expe­ rienced scientists from universities, learn laboratories and find a way to debate their most up-to-date effects, and the place scholars and younger scientists can know about the current prestige of analysis and functions from essentially the most eminent employees of their box. In universal with the former iciness college on high-Tc superconductors, the of the cuprate superconductors. current one excited about the digital homes furthermore, attention was once given to similar compounds that are proper to the certainty of the digital constitution of the cuprates within the basic nation, to different oxide superconductors and to fulleride superconductors.

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QJ 'is. o N bJ ~I Fig. 20. trigger ....... 4 ];! c:: 8' 0. 08 -20. 20. 0. 140. 180. 220. Time [ms] 260. 0. Fig. 9: Averaged signal (xSO) of acoustically evoked brain signal. Upper trace: raw data, lower trace: filtered data. 6. Conclusion The noise performance obtained with SQUIDs using step edge junctions justifies expectations, that SQUID-magnetometers operated at liquid uitrogen temperatures soon - if not for the most demanding applications - can replace those made of conventional superconductors which need liquid helium for cooling.

Rep. of Germany Abstract. Progress in the preparation of epitaxial high-T perovskite films on suitable substrates, their patterning into microstructures, and recent progress in Josephson junction technology using grain boundary engineering resulted in SQUID magnetometers with attractive noise performance for operation at liquid nitrogen temperature. DC- as well as RF-SQUIDs using Josephson junctions made on artificial step edges in the substrate surface exhibit a rather low l}f excess noise. Values well below 10-4 $&z1l2 for the spectral flux noise at fr'}quencies down to a fraction of 1 Hz, and of the order of several 10 0 JIHz for the spectral energy resolution in the white noise region have been observed at 77 K.

The different REBaSrCu30 X compounds are isostructural with YBa Cu or similar to it [6). For RE '" Ce and Tb, no 2 ° 3 7 Y-123 phase was formed. For RE '" Lu there was also no strong evidence for a Y-123 phase. The compounds with rare-earth elements with an ionic radius smaller than that of erbium, r RE ~ r Er ' contain the so-called green phase, RE2BaCuOs ' and Ba(Sr)Cu02 as impurities. Samples with ionic radius r RE < r Dy show orthorhombic structure, while those with r RE > r Dy are tetragonal.

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Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors: The Normal and the Superconducting State of High-Tc Materials by K. A. Müller (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans Kuzmany, Professor Dr. Michael Mehring, Dr. Jörg Fink (eds.)

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