By K. Kupfer, Klaus Kupfer
ISBN-10: 3540222227
ISBN-13: 9783540222224
ISBN-10: 3540264914
ISBN-13: 9783540264910
This ebook covers all elements of Electromagnetic Aquametry. It summarizes the broad zone of metrology and its purposes in electromagnetic sensing of wet fabrics. The actual houses of water in quite a few levels of binding interacting with electromagnetic fields is gifted by way of version platforms. The e-book describes dimension tools and sensors within the frequency area, TDR-techniques for environmental difficulties, equipment and sensors for caliber review of organic ingredients, and nuclear magnetic resonance recommendations. Environmental sciences, in addition to civil and geoengineering, fossil fuels, foodstuff and pharmaceutical technology are the most fields of software. the entire frequency spectrum from 0.01 Hz to three hundred GHz is used for dielectric size tools, however the microwave variety is obviously dominant. Multiparameter tools in addition to tools of significant parts and synthetic neural networks for density self sustaining measurements are described.
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Optical Measurements © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001 18 F. Mayinger the ability of the method to record the totality (holos) of the light information as regards the wave-front, namely the amplitude (as brightness), the wavelength (as color) and the phase position of the light. Using these possibilities, completely new interference methods can be developed. Holography demands, however, a source which emits coherent light. Therefore, holography, as invented in 1949 by Gabor, could not be used until the laser had been developed ten years later.
This figure demonstrates the temperature field around a burning flame. Depending on the orientation of the parallel fringes, the distortion varies. To get most informative pattern, the parallel fringes should be orientated in the direction of the largest temperature gradients. In Fig. 15 the interferogram a) presents an infinite fringe pattern, whilst the interferograms b) - d) are of finite fringe nature with vertical, diagonal and horizontal orientation of the parallel fringe pattern. Analyzing non planar temperature fields, like the above mentioned boundary layer around a condensing bubble, also with the finite fringe method the before mentioned Abel-correction has to be applied, which was described in detail by Hauff and Grigull [21].
5. Temperature field in a liquid layer heated at the bottom. Parallel object beam used for recording the interferogram As seen, the interference fringes cannot be well distinguished from each other in the immediate neighborhood of the wall and the resolution is not high enough to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient. In a second experiment with the same test section a wave-front was used with an optical arrangement as shown in Fig. 2. With this arrangement, however, it was only possible to record a sector of the test section.
Electromagnetic aquametry by K. Kupfer, Klaus Kupfer
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