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Economic Rationality and Practical Reason by Julian Nida-Rümelin PDF

By Julian Nida-Rümelin

ISBN-10: 9048148286

ISBN-13: 9789048148288

ISBN-10: 9401588147

ISBN-13: 9789401588140

The idea of functional rationality doesn't belong to at least one educational self-discipline by myself. There are rather divergent philosophical, budget friendly, sociological, mental and politological contributions. occasionally the disciplinary obstacles hamper theoretical growth. nonetheless it's a sign for the excessive complexity of the topic that such a lot of divergent paradigms compete with each other, or - what's worse - dwell individually in a type of best isolation. selection conception within the broader experience, embracing the idea of video games and collective selection conception, might help to appreciate functional cause in philosophical research. yet there are fascinating facets which can't be handled effectively inside of a decision-theoretic conceptual framework. To have either one of those convictions justifies to overlook dis­ ciplinary barriers and poses an issue for the orthodoxies of both aspects. all of the essays of this quantity specialise in the relation among monetary rationality and sensible cause and speak about assorted points of an analogous challenge, i. e. a uncomplicated deficiency within the ordinary fiscal thought of useful rationality. yet philosophical research wouldn't be of a lot support if it simply rejected the commercial paradigm. It needs to quite aid to combine monetary elements right into a broader view on useful reason.

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With regard to unintentional behaviour one can answer, e. ' by 'Oh, I have thrown down the vase', but when I ask myself what I have done wrong, which of my actions in the last half hour were wrong, then I will not come to the conclusion that throwing down the vase was a wrong action, even if I regret this happening (possibly it was wrong to step so close to the vase with all these other people around). If I have not thrown down the vase unintentionally, then I have thrown it down intentionallyo - it is only in this case that this happening corresponds to a (probably blameworthy) action.

Confessing is the noncooperative strategy here (in what follows abbreviated as 'n'), failure to confess the cooperative strategy (subsequently 'k). The matrix of consequences (prison-terms) looks as follows: B A n2 k2 nl 10/10 0/12 kl 12/0 2/2 We have said that a prisoners' dilemma type of interaction is defined by the subjective preferences over consequences. In this respect, the above interaction situation (with the given consequences in terms of years of imprisonment) is an interaction of the prisoners' dilemma type only if A prefers going free even if this means 10 years longer in prison for B, and if A prefers shortening her prison-term (from 12 to 10 years) even if B's term thereby increases from 0 to 10 years.

This fact constitutes the starting point for H. L. A. Hart's proposal to relate the concept of action closely to the notion of responsibility. 16 This proposal, however, which is supported by legal practise and developed with an intention stemming from legal philosophy is not of help for a restriction of the notion of action, since the concept of responsibility is too unprecise. So the driver is, in a certain sense, responsible for the death of the other, he has a corresponding emotion of guilt, his insurance will be liable for the survivor's pension etc.

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Economic Rationality and Practical Reason by Julian Nida-Rümelin

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