By Marie Brennan
ISBN-10: 0446616982
ISBN-13: 9780446616980
While a witch is born, a doppelganger is created. For a witch to grasp her powers, the dual needs to be killed. yet what occurs whilst the doppelganger survives? This debut is an unique event delusion a few younger witch who needs to kill her dual so that it will continue to exist. unique.
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You're brooding," her friend said in accusation, when she rounded a gable and found Miryo there. " Miryo just shrugged. " Eikyo came up and sat on the tiles next to her. " Eikyo peered at her. "No, not okay. There's more to it than that. " The sun-warmed tiles were soothing against Miryo's hands. She picked at a leaf that had become caught between two of them. "Maybe. " She caught sight of Eikyo's face, and sighed. "All right. " Eikyo's expression became sympathetic. " Miryo laughed without much humor.
She asked as she picked up a stack of papers and flipped through them. "Not sure. The assassin, maybe; he might have wanted to take away any evidence pointing at his employer. " "It doesn't seem like his style, though. He's been subtle up until now, so why rip this place apart? Especially since he's a Hunter. " Eclipse appeared in the doorway. "Who else, then? " Mirage moved on to the next stack of papers. They looked like economic reports on the earnings of various Fire witches. "I'm tempted to bag half this stuff and take it with us back to Silverfire.
He began to tick the reasons off on his fingers. "Revenge for some personal or professional action. Prevention of some personal or professional action she was about to take. " "Definitely. And if the new Key has made any significant changes in the Ray's policy. " "Not quite. " "Okay. " Mirage returned to the study and surveyed the walls and floor. There wasn't a lot left intact; the searcher had been more thorough—or desperate—in here. She checked nevertheless, and examined the desk as well, but found nothing.
Doppelganger by Marie Brennan
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