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New PDF release: Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology: New Insights

By Fiorenzo Franceschini, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo, Barbara Pralio

ISBN-10: 085729542X

ISBN-13: 9780857295422

The box of large-scale dimensional metrology (LSM) offers with items that experience linear dimensions starting from tens to thousands of meters. It has lately attracted loads of curiosity in lots of components of construction, together with the automobile, railway, and shipbuilding sectors.

Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology introduces a brand new paradigm during this box that reverses the classical metrological technique: measuring structures which are transportable and will be simply moved round the position of the measured item, that is prime to relocating the thing itself.

Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology combines the thoughts of allotted structures and large-scale metrology on the software point. It makes a speciality of the most recent insights and demanding situations of this new new release of structures from the point of view of the designers and builders. the most issues are:

  • coverage of measuring area,
  • sensors calibration,
  • on-line diagnostics,
  • probe administration, and
  • analysis of metrological performance.

The common descriptions of every subject are extra enriched by way of particular examples about the use of commercially to be had structures or the improvement of latest prototypes. this may be quite precious for pro practitioners comparable to caliber engineers, production and improvement engineers, and procurement experts, yet Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology additionally has a wealth of knowledge for academics.

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Example text

In order to perform metrological measurements, fixed network nodes should be aware of their respective locations. To achieve this, especially for Large-Scale sensor networks, many self-localisation methods have been studied and implemented recently. Generally, nodes automatically cooperate, estimating local distances from their neighbours, converging in a consistent coordinate assignment. Nodes work together in a peer-to-peer way to build a map of the sensor network. Received-Signal-Strength (RSS) and Time-of-Arrival (ToA) are two common approaches for estimating the distance between nodes within their mutual transmission range (Wu et al.

2 Results of the iGPSTM exploratory tests, performed in the specific testing conditions described in Sect. 21 by compensating the changes in the environmental conditions of the measuring field, and determining whether the system is conforming to the desired tolerance (Kang and Tesar 2004). 1 Static Measurements To evaluate the iGPSTM metrological performance in static conditions, explorative tests were performed in the Industrial Metrology Laboratory of the University of Bath. Here is a short description of the experimental setup: • use of 4 transmitters; • measuring area of about 60 m2 (6 9 10 m, considering a plant layout); • the network calibration was performed using the mobile probe as a reference bar.

5 is the distance d(A - B) between the two targets installed on the portable probe. 40 3 The Mobile Spatial Coordinate Measuring System (a) (b) d(A–B) d(B–V) B V A A B V G A, B V d(A–B), d(B–V) G positioning targets probe tip (touching measured object) fixed distances trigger Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the portable probe a Orthogonal view b Perspective view (adapted from Franceschini et al. 2009d). 6 univocally locates the point V using spatial coordinates of targets A and B. Distances d(A - B) and d(A - V) are known a priori as they depend on the probe geometry.

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Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology: New Insights by Fiorenzo Franceschini, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo, Barbara Pralio

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