By Henry Ledgard
ISBN-10: 3540105743
ISBN-13: 9783540105749
ISBN-10: 3540385525
ISBN-13: 9783540385523
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ZZZ = refers to any piece of text starting with "xxx", ending with "ZZZ", and having "YYY" somewhere in between. define the special ellipsis symbol by saying: ASSUME ELLIPSIS You IS special-symbol The ellipsis may be redefined at any time, or you can say: ASSUME ELLIPSIS IS NULL in which case, no special symbol will be defined as the ellipsis. Referring to Sometimes when referencing existing text, Character it is necessary to be able to refer to a Position character position rather than a specific character.
The lines you type will be inserted before, after, or instead of the current line. 3 3 2. INSERT :text = (BEFORE/AFTER/OVER) The A s s i s t a n t will insert the lines specified by text before, after, or instead of the current l l n e 3 4 3. INSERT f i l e (BEFORE/AFTER/OVER) The Assistant will insert the contents of the named file before, after, or instead of the current llne. If BEFORE, AFTER, or OVER is not specified, AFTER is assumed. The Annotated Assistant 55 31. It is not obvious from the User's Guide, but the TRANSFER request is not only intended to excise lines from a file but is the basic mechanism for moving blocks of text within a file.
33. The use of the interrupt to terminate continuous text input is consistent with the general semantics of interrupts and allows for easy input of empty (blank) lines, by far the most frequently entered line of text. Empty lines can be entered by simply typing a carriage return. 34. The second form of the INSERT request allows quick insertion of a short text fragment as a line. When combined with the margin symbol, this feature also allows rapid insertion of several short lines of text. 56 Chapter 3 Changing Text In order t o change a piece of text in one Within a Line or more lines you say: MAKE ( n / A L L ) =,ext= =new-text= This request is different from all the previous requests in that it operates on text ~ithin lines rather than whole lines themselves.
Directions in Human Factors for Interactive Systems by Henry Ledgard
by Joseph