By Vandergriff, K.U.; (US); Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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As the piston moves from left to right the pressure of the liquid will be increased and the pump will displace the liquid regardless of its specific gravity and viscosity as long as sufficient power is available from the pump driver. The types of positive displacement pumps which can be found in any petrochemical plant, refinery or gas plant are noted below. 1 for the application limits of positive displacement pumps. 1 Application envelope positive displacement pumps Pump type Pressure-PSIG Flow rate-GPM Horsepower (max) Power pumps • Plunger-(horlzontal) • Plunger (vertical) • Piston (horizontal) 1,000-30,000 1,000-30,000 up to 1,000 10-250 10-500 up to 2,000 200 1,500 2,000 Direct acting • Piston • Plunger up to 350 up to 2,000 up to 1,000 50-300 500 500 Metering up to 7,500 up to 1,000 gal/hr 10* Rotary • Gear • Screw up to 200 up to 5,000 up to 300 up to 5,000 50 HP 1,000 HP * horsepower per cylinder, some applications use multiple cylinders Reciprocating pumps Reciprocating pumps are tliose types of positive displacement pumps that increase liquid energy by a pulsating action.
The objective of any compressor in a system is to remove the flow from the suction vessel at the same rate that the flow enters that vessel. In doing so, the pressure is reduced from the suction vessel to the compressor flanges. In the discharge system the objective is to push the required amount of flow through the system resistance to achieve the final discharge system terminal pressure. This pressure may be in a vessel, may be in a ship or could be in a pipe line. ) from the terminal point (delivery point) back to the compressor discharge flange.
The higher the relative velocity, the less energy input from the impeller blades. The lower the relative velocity, the greater the energy input from the impeller blades. The relative gas velocity in any impeller or blade row is determined by the gas passage areas. 22 Compressor Characteristics P~90- ^ 4 ~ g 140 r- >6 ^Q 99 130 / •96- yC^ 100 UJ y4 I -1C 90 ii •^ JO f / ^ 83 / / {/. X / / /// ^A^ Vy yy / / 60 40 yioo 7/ J 70 50 - f 1'/ \i 110 , 99 r 98 120 80 PERCENT. PEAK EFFICIENCY VY ^ / /y.
Designing Equipment for Use in Gamma Radiation Environments by Vandergriff, K.U.; (US); Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
by David