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Download PDF by Carol Atherton: Defining Literary Criticism: Scholarship, Authority and the

By Carol Atherton

ISBN-10: 0230501079

ISBN-13: 9780230501072

ISBN-10: 1349523933

ISBN-13: 9781349523931

Outlining the controversies that experience surrounded the educational self-discipline of English Literature because its institutionalization within the overdue 19th century, this crucial e-book attracts on a number of archival assets. It addresses matters which are critical to the id of educational English - how the topic got here into life, and what makes it a expert self-discipline of data - in a fashion that illuminates a few of the crises that experience affected the advance of contemporary English experiences. Atherton additionally addresses modern arguments in regards to the instructing of literary feedback, together with an exam of the reforms to A-Level literature.

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While these two sections would, in theory, allow students to take a whole degree in English, it was not expected that they would necessarily do so. The assumption, instead, was that they would progress to Section A after taking part of the Tripos in Classics – hinting at a view of English as part of a broad, humane education, rather than the philological study it had been in the past. Both Oxford and Cambridge, then, leaned towards the model of literary study provided by Classics as an alternative to that which was offered by philology.

These contributions may have taken place in institutional settings, and been influenced by institutional concerns, but they were undoubtedly infused with the same kind of personal authority that had underwritten the work of the men of letters. It may be significant that F. R. Leavis, I. A. Richards and Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, the bestremembered of those early academics, were possibly those who were English in the Universities 27 most adept at using their personal authority to further their critical philosophies.

The study of English The three nineteenth-century foundations analysed here have very different origins. King’s College, London, which was founded in 1831, was established as an Anglican alternative to the secular University College, founded five years earlier. It prepared students for a range of internally validated qualifications and, later, for University of London degrees, as well as entry to Oxford, Cambridge and the professions. University College, Nottingham, was founded in 1881 and granted its charter in 1903: it also entered students for University of London degrees, and offered a range of vocational courses designed to serve the region’s mining and manufacturing industries.

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Defining Literary Criticism: Scholarship, Authority and the Possession of Literary Knowledge, 1880–2002 by Carol Atherton

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