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Fox, and D. S. , Taylor and Francis, London. , 1971, "Applied Ergonomics Handbook," IPC Science and Technology Press, Guilford (Surrey). Singleton, W. , Easterby, R. , and Whitfield, D. , 1967, "The Human Operator in Complex Systems," Taylor and Francis, London. Singleton, W. , 1974, "Man-Machine Systems," Penguin Books, Harmondsworth (Middlesex). , and Frohlich, W. , 1977, Aufmerksamkeit bei tiberwachungs- und SteuerungstAtigkeiten, Wehrpsychologische Untersuchungen 4: 1. , 1971, "Nutzwertanalyse in der Systemtechnik," Wittmannsche Buchhandlung, MUnchen.
Crossman, E. R. F. , 1969, Man-Machine-Models for Car-Steering, Forth Annual NASA-University Conference on Manual Control, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D. C. , 1976, Some Aspects. of Automation in Civil Transport Aircraft, in: "Monitoring Behavior and Supervisory Control," T. B. Sheridan, and G. , Plenum, New York (N. ). Elkind, J. ). Elkind, J. , 1964, A Survey of the Development of Models for the Human Controller, in: "Guidance and Control II," R. C. , AcademiC-Press, New York (N.
Therefore, ergonomists have to consider and control these environmental influences in their design. Basic to this design task are, again, the behavioral task requirementsestablished. Because not only must the critical values of environmental factors recommended in the relevant literature be considered but also with some factors task specific requirements have to be specified and met for effective task performance by personnel. Knowledge of tasks, work stations, and the environment are necessary to determine in detail the number and types of personnel required for operation of system work stations and maintenance of system equipment which in turn is a prerequisite to detailed JOB DESIGN.
Data Processing Equipment Encyclopedia Vol 2 - electronic devices - Gille Assoc.
by Michael