By Douglas Kellner
ISBN-10: 0745604390
ISBN-13: 9780745604398
During this paintings, Douglas Kellner brings new mild to undergo upon the advance and modern implications of serious concept. The origins of severe idea, he argues, have been attached to the transition from classical to state-organized capitalism. whereas a number of the views of serious conception are very important to social research this present day, in different easy respects the strategy of severe conception has to be up to date with a view to confront the alterations that have intervened in Western society over the last area of a century. The dialectical revision of Marxian thought conducted through the Frankfurt authors needs to now be utilized to their very own works to generate a severe interpretation of state-of-the-art social global. This, Kellner argues, calls for a reassessment of the former severe conception research of up to date capitalism via new views which take account of advancements in customer, media, technological, cultural and different spheres of what Kellner calls "techno-capitalism".
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Thus 'critique' was coming to signify criticism of all material and intellectual constraints on production and other forms of human activity. It thus required a global, synthesizing theory of the present age to specify the various forms of oppression and constraint and to highlight perspectives for liberation and social change. Such general positions were often presented in the Zeitschrift in the form of programmatic statements from Horkheimer and others concerning the general goals of the Institute.
Horkheimer rejects here metaphysical theses of the identity of thought and being, of knowledge and the known. He argues instead that concepts are not organs of absolute knowledge, but simply instruments for achieving certain goals, which are to be developed and modified constantly in the course of experience. Horkheimer thus proposes a post-metaphysical conception of materialism, and stresses the different content of materialist theories in different THE 1930s PROGRAM 29 contexts. He and his colleagues rejected both Hegel's identity theory, which posited an identity between thought and being within an idealist ontology, and the forms of epistemological realism held by many positivistic materialists then and now, which maintained that correct thought simply mirrored or reflected the object of thought.
Most of these works employed rather orthodox Marxian methods of analysis, and were focused on themes central to Marxian theory. 20 THEORY, POLITICS AND HISTORY The initial multidisciplinary project undertaken during Horkheimer's directorship sought to confront an issue of central importance for Marxian theory and practice - namely, the political potential and situation of the German working class in the contemporary era. The Institute assigned Erich Fromm to head this project, and hired Hilde Weiss and Paul Lazarsfeld, who would later become a central figure in the development of communications research in the United States, to help with the research design and survey.
Critical Theory, Marxism and Modernity by Douglas Kellner
by Thomas