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Read e-book online Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: 12th IFIP PDF

By Wolfgang Roesner (auth.), Daniel Geist, Enrico Tronci (eds.)

ISBN-10: 354020363X

ISBN-13: 9783540203636

ISBN-10: 3540397248

ISBN-13: 9783540397243

This publication constitutes the refereed court cases of the twelfth IFIP WG 10.5 complicated examine operating convention on right layout and Verification equipment, CHARME 2003, held in L'Aquila, Italy in October 2003.

The 24 revised complete papers and eight brief papers offered have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from sixty five submissions. The papers are equipped in topical sections on software program verification, automata dependent tools, processor verification, specification equipment, theorem proving, bounded version checking, and version checking and applications.

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Sample text

Jimbo and A. Maruoka: A Method of Constructing Selection Networks with O(log n) Depth SIAM Journal on Computing Volume 25, Number 4, 1996. 10. John O’Donnell: From transistors to computer architecture: teaching functional circuit specification in Hydra, in Proc. ), Springer LNCS 1022, 1995. 11. Alan W. Paeth: Median finding on a 3 × 3 grid. , 1990. 12. D. C. Van Voorhis: A Generalization of the Divide-Sort-Merge Strategy for Sorting Networks. Technical Report STAN-CS-71-237, Stanford University, 1971.

Each valuation to v¯ is a state in the structure. Model checking is a technique for verifying finite state systems represented as Kripke structures. The basic operations in model checking are the image computation and the pre-image computation. Given a set of states S and a transition relation R, represented in symbolic model checking by the BDDs S(¯ v ) and R(¯ v , v¯ ) respectively, the image computation finds the set of all states related by R to some state in S and the pre-image computation finds the set of all states such that some state in S is related to them by R.

An automatic method for choosing predicates was suggested by Ball and Rajamani [2]. They follow a CounterExample Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) loop, which we now describe. Let φ be the property that we wish to verify over the program Π. We denote by MC a model checking algorithm that takes both A(Π, P) and φ as inputs and outputs true if A(Π, P) |= φ and a counterexample τ otherwise. We assume φ is a safety property, so that τ is a finite acyclic trace of A(Π, P). Since τ is a trace of A(Π, P), it is often called an abstract trace.

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Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: 12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2003, L’Aquila, Italy, October 21-24, 2003. Proceedings by Wolfgang Roesner (auth.), Daniel Geist, Enrico Tronci (eds.)

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