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Download e-book for kindle: Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence (The by F. A. Hayek

By F. A. Hayek

ISBN-10: 041503521X

ISBN-13: 9780415035217

This quantity reproduces the entire major contributions together with Keynes' and Sraffa's replies to Hayek. One significant piece via Hayek, The Economics of the Thirties as visible from London is released for the 1st time.

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Genius is not a point of departure; it is no more a place of action than it is one of passion. It is more precisely a 38 moment of incandescence that can only ever be described, never recreated. Here again, Tarde does not set up an opposition between the mysterious origin of the individual genius and the slavish imitation of past models. He shifts levels : a genius is an individual in whom the multitudes of repetitions and imitations (those lively firings of the brain) lead, dare we say, a life of their own.

But Tarde goes further than Polanyi, for he wants to remedy the errors of biology as well, and to purge not only economics but nature itself of all Providentialism: [The mistake] is not only apt to skew the spirit. but also to corrupt the heart. It consists in believing, essentially, that, behind the cloth where human events are woven, there is a sort of Mephistophelian, unsettling irony, that enjoys making good come from evil and evil come from good, in endowing murderous hatred, exasperation, and 45 the bellicose conflict of egos and rapacities with salutary fertility, and in making love, faith, disinterestedness, and abnegation harmful.

He sings the praises, in 1902, of a civilization of leisure, cafes, conversation, fashion, trinkets, tourism. At the very moment when the iron law of ennui and mecha­ nization was being imposed, when there would soon be the law of the division of labor, Tarde sings the praises of idleness, of the chatter of the idle classes, like in the following striking passage on one of his favorite hobby­ horses: conversation as an essential production factor. Conversation is eminently interesting to the economist.

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Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence (The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek) by F. A. Hayek

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