By James E. Dougherty
ISBN-10: 0397472366
ISBN-13: 9780397472369
ISBN-10: 0397472374
ISBN-13: 9780397472376
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Generally speaking, the phenomena of international war in the nuclear age, revolutionary guerrilla conflict and counterinsurgency, and the economic development gap between the richer and poorer nations have led to an increased emphasis in the United States on ethical factors in the analysis of international relations during the last two decades. f. A set of proposals of action for the statesman. Such prescriptions are usually: (a) assumptions about the international system such as the existence of a balance of power (variously defined) in which political actors supposedly take one or another course of action to achieve a particular kind of goal; or (b) policy recommendations based upon the results of the study of one or several instances of a particular kind of political behavior.
Thompson, "Toward a Theory of International Politics," American Political Science Review, XLIX (September, 1955), 740. Theoretical Approaches to International Relations 27 which existing conduct can be measured and toward which political behavior ought to aspire. Generally speaking, the phenomena of international war in the nuclear age, revolutionary guerrilla conflict and counterinsurgency, and the economic development gap between the richer and poorer nations have led to an increased emphasis in the United States on ethical factors in the analysis of international relations during the last two decades.
Within nations, one might examine the role of such organizations, institutions and groups as political parties, churches, ethnic minorities, the press, and economic interest groups (labor, farmers, and industries anxious to export or to achieve protection against foreign imports). Arnold Wolfers pointed out that recent decades have witnessed a reaction against the traditional "states-assole-actors approach" in which all significant events and changes in the international scene were attributed to the policies of national governments.
Contending theories of international relations by James E. Dougherty
by Anthony