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Download e-book for iPad: Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom (Language and by Rupert Wegerif

By Rupert Wegerif

ISBN-10: 0585195749

ISBN-13: 9780585195742

ISBN-10: 1853593958

ISBN-13: 9781853593956

This article appears at how pcs are getting used in fundamental school rooms and the way they can be used greater. Its 3 sections concentration upon: how can we examine studying via speak round pcs? What impacts the standard of team paintings round pcs? What can lecturers do to enhance this?

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Exploratory talk offers a potential for learning not obvious in the other two types indicated here, and suggests that there is scope for pupil-pupil groups to go beyond mere drill and practice of already learned concepts. It is in exploratory talk, therefore, where we may hope to find evidence of pupils extending their learning within the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). It is usual to consider ZPD learning as that which takes place between individuals where one is more `expert' than the other and, as Rogoff and Wertsch (1984:5) suggest, ZPD development: involves joint consciousness of the participants, where two or more minds are collaborating on solving a problem.

Perceived Ability Teachers use their knowledge of pupils' ability and of their task expertise to group children, though they do not necessarily attempt to group `like with like'. They may see one child as being able to offer some knowledge to the group which the others don't have, or they may choose children whose abilities they see as complementary. Sometimes teachers will designate a group leader, or a group reader, and sometimes they merely suggest that the children `help each other' or that one helps the other with particular tasks.

Among professional academics, it would seem that there is a progression in the kinds of questioning which is expected, in the seriousness of challenges which are acceptable (and useful), and an increasing sophistication in knowing how these may be appropriately employed, while also protecting the `face' of the challenger. My own recordings of research colleagues discussing their research contained challenges, sometimes effected through the use of questions but more often by contradictory statements, albeit with a great deal of `padding', which served both to save the `face' of the first speaker and also that of the challenger if s/he later proved to be mistaken.

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Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom (Language and Education Library) by Rupert Wegerif

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